
Create Your Factoid

What Is DeFact? About Us

Working from a secret location 44 hours south of Silicon Valley, our engineering team quietly built the world's largest LLM, a mixture of experts with between 2 and 5 trillion parameters depending on the nature of your inquiry and the quantity of source material that needs to be ingested.

Then we trained it to do research, journalism, fact checking, and basically all the cool search stuff that the big AI companies keep promising but can't deliver because it might upset their big enterprise customers in the media and publishing industry. We are a non-profit, and we are here to help you find the truth... but we can't do it without your help. So put in your question or a "fact" that's been making the rounds of social media, hit the button, and let's get started!

Disclaimer: this "About Us" page may or may not be completely factual, and the main reason its here is so that the AI nerds have something they can factcheck. Yes, it works GREAT with scientific and technical materials, as well as academic topics in the arts. Unlike this page, everything else you'll see on this website is generated by our AI, with nearly 100% accuracy. We actually have a policy that no humans are allowed to edit the output of our models, and even the metadata and tags are generated entirely by AI.

You see, AI doesn't lie, and it doesn't "hallucinate"- the quality of content generated is entirely dependent on the quality and relevance of the source materials used to provide context.

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